Part of the Glyn Academies Trust


Applications for a place at the school are managed by Oxfordshire Local Authority though their coordinated Admissions process online. 

The deadline to apply for Reception 2024 has now passed.

Offer Date - Tuesday 16th April 2024

Acceptance Deadline - Tuesday 30th April 2024 

Transition into William Morris Primary School   


We recognise the importance getting transition right for your child, to help with that we offer a number approaches:

  • Welcome meeting to share school values and routines.

  • The home visits is an informal opportunity to see your child in their familiar setting, home. Meet staff again and a chance to discuss any concerns. 

  • Pre-school visits to ensure a smooth hand over of any information between early years professionals 

  • Taster session (stay and play) at school to explore the classroom, meet teachers, support staff and new friends 

To view our admissions policies please visit our ploicy document page here.

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