Early Maths
The first few years of a child’s life are especially important for mathematics development. The objective for those working in Early Years is to ensure that all children develop firm mathematical foundations in a way that is engaging, and appropriate for their age.
At William Morris Primary School, we use the GLF Maths Curriculum which is grounded in research from the NCTEM documents. The materials are organised into 6 key concepts of early mathematics learning, which collectively provide a platform for everything children will encounter as they progress through their maths learning at primary school, and beyond.
Our curriculum is delivered through high quality adult led group time where themes are explicitly taught. Children then access purposeful opportunities within the provision to practice and apply the taught content.
Look out for our Spring Parent Project where we will work alongside you to best support your child’s Early Maths development.
For more information about NCTEM please visit: Early Years | NCETM
Our Early Years Provision is carefully created to enable the children to apply their learnt knowledge and skills in a purposeful play-based experience. This develops throughout the year as the children’s knowledge grows. For example, children are taught to instantly recognise (subitise) numbers up to 5 and by the end of the year, they are able to apply this skill to support their recall of number bonds to 10.
Numberblocks is used to support the GLF Maths Curriculum. The snappy animation and loveable characters combine with engaging storylines to gently introduce concepts of number to support early mathematical understanding.
Our curriculum uses each episode as a launch pad. They are designed to assist Early Years and also Year 1 practitioners to confidently help children to bring the numbers and ideas to life in the world around them.
If Numberblocks if something that you want to explore with your child, all episodes can be found here: Numberblocks - BBC iPlayer